“Your past is your past. I don’t tell tales, and it’s what you do now that really matters”

Bio Data

Gender: female, She/her
Height: 7’4”
Build: muscular, kinda bulky (like weightlifter more than Hollywood)
Hair: sun-bleached blond (naturally kinda strawberry blond), braided back into a ponytail (the blond has gone white since SDB)
Eyes: violet-blue, fairly wide
Notable Features: a scar across her nose, purple face paint across eyes
Age: 24 as of ARR
Birthdate: 20th sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Diety: Lylmlean, the Navigator

Character Info

Main class: Bard
Alt: Warrior, Summoner
DoL: all
DoH: Omnicrafter
Associations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, The Maelstrom (Grand Company), The Coven (Free Company)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Lively is almost friendly to a fault and one for big grand gestures. She’s very broad. She’s slightly naive, despite her past as a pirate (the crew tried sheltering her as much as possible). She’s got a strong sense of what she considers right and wrong and has a temper when pushed. She doesn’t always know when to keep her mouth shut and lives by the phrase fake it till you make it. Also a big believer in the idea that if you act like you belong and know what your doing no one will question you.

RP Hooks

  • Lively has no idea who her family is and is low key looking for information on her past. (Basically asking any NPC Hellsguard Roe if they’re related)

  • Learning new magic, or anything really. (Her attention will track to anything bright and shiny and new)

  • Adventure! Work for hire! Need materials? Crafting? Lively likes being helpful!

  • -Lively is Ace/Ace-flux. If interested she is into women (especially ones that can step on her)

  • -No ERP for Lively

Lively Saffron has barely any memories of her life before the Red Hammer. Jojoyi Joyi, the lalafell cook and Lively’s primary caretaker, often told her the story of the shock on the rest of the crew’s faces upon the discovery of a barely 6 year old Roegadyn girl sleeping in the boxes of merchandise they had liberated from the Silver Bazaar on their first attempt at Piracy.Realizing it would be foolhardy to return to the scene of the crime just to return the child, the captain, Rhotsygg, decided that they would have to find her passage on the next ship back to the bazaar. However, by the time they reached a port town with enough traffic, Lively had him and the rest of the crew wrapped around her fingers and had decided that life as a pirate was a very great adventure… and surely she’d be able to go home when she got bored!So a pirate she became, not realizing that for almost the first decade of her life on the ship that they were running mostly legitimate jobs (with some mild smuggling). When she was 14 they started taking on more illegal jobs and actual acts of piracy. Softened slightly by the presence of their collective daughter the captain and crew had a fairly strict code of conduct on board and were selective about their targets. It quickly became apparent that Lively had a knack for picking out the best targets and could reliably pick out who amongst potential crew would be trouble. This was about the time when Elilgeim Guldmerlwyn joined the crew. Only a couple years older than Lively the two girls became fast friends.For the next five years the Red Hammer sailed the seas fighting the occasional fellow pirates and looting merchant ships making the crossing between Ul’dah and Limsa Lominsa, spending their wealth at the various pirate hideaways. At this point Lively was 19 years old, loved her life on the sea and nothing would change ever that. Then the calamity happened.…Or rather an incident right before the calamity happened. While at one of the pirate ports, Lively got into a mostly verbal altercation with the captain of another ship. The crew of the Red Hammer managed to drag Lively from the fight, but not before Captain Doesmaga Poisonheart landed a hit to her face. Lively let herself be dragged away, but not before getting one last damning insult out.Realizing the enemy their collective daughter had made, the crew quickly fled. Deciding that the protection under the authority of the Crimson Fleet was preferable to being chased down and killed by their new foe, the Red Hammer made their way to Limsa Lominsa. They arrived several too late to make it to the battle of Carteneau, however they were ordered to the protection of the City. When what remained of the fleet returned the crew was given options. They were too small of a ship to be of great use, so some agreed to join with other crews, and others joined the growing number of ex-pirate farmers. Lively however was not given a choice by the crew. She was going to be land locked.Jojoyi and Rhotsygg explained the history of their charge, hoping to give her the best possible chance of gaining back what they had accidentally stolen. While the paperwork was in process Lively was put to work first on the farms surrounding Limsa Lominsa, then to the transport of goods to and from the city and farms. Curiosity peaked at finding about her history, Lively checked in on the paperwork whenever she was in town. No matter how well meaning and polite her questioning was, it wasn’t long before her appearance would be met with groans from whoever was on staff.After five years of no answers, Lively decided to take matters into her own hands and scraped together what little money she had to make her way back to Thanalan to find the answers to her past and possibly the family she left behind…